Edible Finger Paints - Fun for All Ages

The first time I tried this was more of a “fail” than anything else. Limited items in the grocery store proved for a goopy, chia seed mess. My girls had no interest in touching it. They definitely were not going to eat it! Luckily, we have time these days to give it another go. I opted for a much more basic recipe that gave room for variations for allergies and taste preferences.

One of my favorite things about doing this project is realizing you are never too old for finger paints. Even my 9 and 11 year-olds were super into it. It was easy for them to make and they loved getting their hands dirty. Added bonus: the mess can be an afternoon snack!

  • 1 ⅓ c. Brown Rice Flour (Regular Flour to Substitute)
  • 1 ¼ c. Almond Milk (Water to Substitute)

Add liquid or flour as needed to create a thick, but smooth consistency. Separate into 4 jars and color and flavored as desired.  See natural options below if you do not wish to use food coloring.

Flavor Options

Honey, Bananas, Cocoa & Vanilla

Natural Coloring Options

  • Red - Cooked Beets
  • Orange - Cooked Carrots
  • Yellow - Turmeric
  • Green - Spinach
  • Blue/Purple - Blueberries

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