Band Workout for Building Swimmer's Shoulders

Swim buyer @breannajbehnke walks you through 9 flat band exercises that will help keep your shoulders strong and in good swimming shape! 





  1. Hands are outside shoulder distance. The wider they are the easier it is.
  2. With straight arms rotate arms up, over and behind you, then reverse the motion back in front of you.
    Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the Pass Through Stretch.



    1. Hands are shoulder distance apart. Arms are straight out in front of you.
    2. Move your hands in the opposite direction pulling the band apart across the chest.
      Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the Band Pull Apart exercise



      1. Step on one side of the band. Grab the opposite end of the band in one hand.
      2. With the arm at a 45 degree angle, keep your elbow close to the body, and curl the hand up with the thumb pointed up to your shoulder.
      3. Repeat on the other side.
        Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the Bicep Curl exercise



        1. One hand is anchored at the side of your hip.
        2. Other hand starts extended straight out in front of you just below shoulder height.
        3. With a straight arm lift the extended arm up overhead. Repeat on the other side.
          Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the front raise exercise



          1. Band is behind you; running along the spine.
          2. One hand reaches behind you to grab the band in the middle of your back to anchor the band in place.
          3. Opposite hand grabs the band at the base of the neck and with your elbow pointed forward extend that arm straight up over head. Repeat on the other side.
            Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the Tricep Press exercise



            1. Grab the band at shoulder distance apart.
            2. Wrap one hand behind your back anchored at the opposite hip. The opposite hand will be forced to follow and land in front of the hip opposite of it.
            3. With a bent elbow and keeping that elbow glued to your side, pull the band across the front of the body leading with the back of the hand.
              Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the External Rotation exercise


              FRONT PULL DOWNS

              1. One arm is straight over the head, that hand is anchoring the band.
              2. The opposite arm is straight out in front of you at shoulder height.
              3. With a straight arm pull the band down to your side.
                Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the Front Pull Downs exercise


                BENT OVER PULL APARTS

                1. Place your feet together to touch.
                2. Bend your knees and bend at the waist so your chest is parallel to the ground.
                3. Grab the band shoulder distance apart and extend your arms straight out in front of you.
                4. Pull the band apart with straight arms across the chest.
                  Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating theBent over arm pulls exercise



                  1. Place your feet together to touch. Squat down into your heels like you are sitting in a chair.
                  2. Make sure hands are slightly outside shoulder width apart.
                  3. Raise your arms overhead and pull down bending your elbows away and down.
                    Animated gif of Breanna demonstrating the Chair Pose Lateral Pull Down exercise

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                    • Victoria M says...

                      Love these! I’m a swimmer but recently, the neck and shoulders have been giving me more pain. Would love to do these on my off days. Thank you so much!

                      On April 29, 2022
                    • Kevin Cruikshank says...

                      Thank you!
                      Very comprehensive workout with one piece of equipment.

                      On August 09, 2021
                    • Rebecca says...

                      Thanks for posting. I’m long time swimmer and recently having trouble with my lats. These look like great workouts to avoid this issue in the first place.

                      On August 06, 2021
                    • Amy A. says...

                      Great traveling exercises – pack a band and do them anywhere! Well, when I can travel again …..

                      On May 10, 2020
                    • Bladimir Maldonado says...

                      Thank you for posting this great exercises. I feel that this will help me to stay in shape so that when I get back into the pool it won’t feel too painful. Thank you and I did need some new exercises to motive me to stay fit.

                      On April 10, 2020

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