Basementeer Spotlight: Play Marin

We're incredibly excited to have Play Marin as a Basementeer beneficiary and partner. Learn more about them (from them!) and how you can support below:


Play Marin provides sports and other extracurricular activities to intentionally give kids of diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds the opportunity to learn and grow together through play.

8 years ago, with one basketball team of 9 players, Play Marin began the critical work of closing the activity gap in Marin City and enriching the lives of children throughout Marin through play with a diverse and inclusive peer group. Play Marin founder Paul Austin recognized the power of athletic opportunity in building confidence and success pathways. He founded Play Marin to provide youth who would otherwise not be able to participate in team sports a way to do so while simultaneously enriching the experience of all participants through engagement with a more diverse peer group in their athletics and other activities.

Play Marin believes that bringing together the unique experiences of different cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds among us is vital to the advancement of our society. Play Marin is committed to building that bridge of understanding through its various programs.


Today, Play Marin reaches more than 300 kids annually, teaching valuable skills, creating friendships, developing grit, and enhancing well being and solidarity among young people from all backgrounds.


Seasonal Sports: Play Marin’s seasonal sports include basketball, girls’ volleyball, track and field, and lacrosse. Through these programs, kids of diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds come together on the same team, building essential skills and a shared sense of culture and community. Play Marin sports teams engage in top tier athletic experiences, consistently winning tournaments and championships through their commitment and teamwork.

Summer Camps: Play Marin offers a variety of summer activities for youth ages 7 through 18 to keep young people active and engaged in building lasting friendships “off season”. Play Marin’s 2020 summer programming helped kids explore the incredible Marin outdoors through new adventures such as surfing, hiking, and biking while learning about and adhering to Marin’s COVID safety protocols. 

Extracurricular Activities: Play Marin’s ever-extending programs ensure kids stay connected with their friends and community through enrichment activities such as sports clinics, swim lessons, skateboarding, cooking, teen programming, and social justice.  


Play Marin has empowered the Marin City community to help it thrive amidst great change and challenge. Play Marin takes an active role as a community advocate, engaging legal support and growth resources through community partnerships. 


When Play Marin’s regular programming was halted due to shelter in place orders, they pivoted to provide 600 meals a week for three months to families in need, purchased from local restaurants. Play Marin recently led an initiative to revitalize the Marin City Community Center with some of the leading organizations in the Bay Area. Play Marin also brings Marin City residents together to learn and celebrate their local community. 


Play Marin helps young leaders rise through its youth programming. As kids grow, Play Marin continues to support and cultivate their leadership. Marin City Matters is a social justice program that was born from this youth leadership. Older youth and young adults take active roles within the Marin City community to organize and spur social change, generating empowerment within Marin City and a shared mission for positive social impact among youth and residents throughout Marin. 

These young leaders share powerful stories of strength from their Marin City roots which helped them rise above the many challenges facing youth and leaders of color in today’s world. 


Play Marin needs you. You can help solve the play and diversity challenge in Marin County. Give a gift that promotes a more inclusive and equitable Marin community by making a donation that provides athletic and extracurricular activities for Marin City Youth while creating a more diverse peer group for participating young people across Marin County.

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